새롭게 만들어 볼 좋은 습관들
berry ryu
2023. 12. 22. 16:21
기존에 유지하던 좋은 습관은 유지하고
새롭게 나의 생활 기조로 추가해보고 싶은 습관들이 있어 기록해본다.
새로운 습관은 최소 30일 동안 의식적으로 지속하려고 노력할 것. 그리고 한 번에 하나씩.
- Keep yourself informed about things that are going in the world
- Read about politics and your country affairs
- Always focus on the positives / Keep an updated survival bag
- Play chess or other strategic games regularly
- Always try to think outside the box
- Practice Mindfulness
- Meditate daily
- Practise to express your opinion without getting offended
- Always listen before you speak
- Challenge yourself regularly
- Share your knowledge with others